Monday, January 17, 2011

Biology Homework- Ecology

Commensalism- The burrows of many marine worms contain commensals that take advantage of the shelter provided but do not affect the worm
Mutualism- The example I can think of is the association between termites and the specialized protozoans that inhabit their guts. The protozoans, unlike the termites, are able to digest the cellulose of the wood that the termites eat and release sugars that the termites absorb.
Parasitism- Parasites are usually specialized for their way of life. They typically produce vast numbers of eggs, very few survives to find their way to another suitable host.
Resource Partitioning- different warblers eat the same caterpillar, but they occupy different positions in the tree.
Predator- Prey coevolution- Rough- Skinned Newt and garter snake are the example of Predator- Prey coevolution. In this case, the newts produce a potent nerve toxin that concentrates in their skin. Garter snakes have evolved resistance to this toxin through a set of genetic mutation, and prey upon the newts.
Camouflage- When an animal, such as deer, facing danger, it will combine with the similar object to fake the predator.
Mimicry- When one elephant is attacked by the predator, many elephants will gather together and help that one elephant out of danger.
Aposematic Coloration- Granular Poison Frog will change its color to warn the predator.
Pioneer species- Pioneer Species are usually grasses such as marram grass, which grows on sand dunes. In more rocky and damp conditions, they are usually lichen, and small ephemeral bunchgrasses and wildflowers in crevices.
Keystone Species- Some sea star may perform this function by preying on sea urchins, mussels and other shellfish that have no other natural predators. If the sea star is removed from the ecosystem, the mussel population explodes uncontrollably, driving out most other species, while the urchin population annihilates coral reefs.
Instinctive Behavior- When an elephants saw any predator coming to them, they will flee to other areas.
Imprinting- Baby tigers are the example of imprinting because during their early development, their parent will teach them how to get food and survive.
Altruism- Insects are the example of Altruism because they will lower their chance of surviving and produced mass amount of insects of the same species.
Chemical Communication- Elephants use chemical communication to find food, direction, and many others stuffs.
Tactile Communication- Human being always uses tactile communication to communicate with infants. Tactile communication can convey love, emotion, coldness, and hostility.
Courtship ritual/ display- Birds use courtship ritual to attract their partner.

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